Yellow Shen, reed flower, two wild geese axis

[Huang Shen’s axis of the picture of two wild geese in reed flowers]

The axis of the picture of two wild geese in reed flowers, Qing Dynasty, Huang Shen’s painting, paper edition, color setting, vertical 211 cm, horizontal 61 cm
The title of the painting: “The half mountain is shining through the rain belt, and the water and reed flowers reflect the guests’ clothes. It can be seen from outside the cloud that you are everywhere, and you must send a book and the wild geese fly south.” The seal “Huang Shen”, the white seal, and the “Gall Ladle”, the Zhu seal are on each side
“After the autumn rain, the river is misty and the reed leaves with rain are waving in the wind. Two wild geese perched under the reed leaves, their eyes closed, their bodies cowered, their heads buried in feathers, revealing the cold feeling after the mountain rain. “You can see from outside the cloud that you are everywhere, sending books and wild geese fly to the south”. When winter comes, wild geese fly to the south. Their passing figures often arouse people’s feelings of missing each other and leaving, hoping to send greetings to distant relatives and friends. This painting expresses feelings through the scenery, and writes the yearning for distant relatives and friends through the reed flowers and autumn geese
From this work, we can see Huang Shen’s uniqueness among the literati painters. He is good at discovering the moving scenes in nature, embodying feelings in the scenery, supplemented by poetry and prose, so as to illuminate the meaning outside the painting. In this respect, he and Hua Yan share the same interests. Both of their works are characterized by both refined and popular tastes and interact with each other. In painting, the vast river surface is painted with ink halo, and the farther away it is, the lighter it is. The reed leaves blend into the wild brushwork of cursive script. The brushwork is fast, and individual branches and leaves are awakened with thick ink, creating a misty mood of wind and rain. The wild goose is accurate in shape, simple in brushwork and full in meaning, and focuses on the description of expression, which reflects the painter’s deep realistic modeling ability.
图片[1]-Yellow Shen, reed flower, two wild geese axis-China Archive

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