Zheng Fu Clerical Seven Jue Poetry Axis

[Zheng Fu Lishu Seven-Jue Poetry Axis]

Seven-Jue Poetry Axis, Qing Dynasty, Zheng Fu Shu, paper version, Lishu, 151.2 cm vertically and 57 cm horizontally
Explanatory note:
I love to paint all my life, but who can see the camp hill again. High winds and torrential rain roll the autumn air, and the vast sky light flows with the pen. One of the paintings inscribed by the monk Yundong. Try Xiong Fengxin to make the first ink book. Gu Kou Zheng Fu
According to relevant data, Zheng Fu called “Xiongfeng”, whose surname was Jin, his name was Zhijing, his name was Xiongfeng, his number was Mount Huangshan Mountain Chief, and he was from Xiangping. In the 21st year of Emperor Kangxi’s reign in the Qing Dynasty (1682), he served as the Supervisor of the County of Shexian County for many years, with preferential policies. He is a scholar of Wang Shizhen. Huizhou has been rich in good ink since ancient times. As a county magistrate, making and storing ink is both fashionable and elegant for literati. Up to now, the Palace Museum in Beijing still has “Xiongfeng” ink ingots
This axis is the official script masterpiece created by Zheng Fu in his later years with “Xiong Feng Xin’s First Ink”. The end of the knot is elegant and elegant, and the transformation of strokes is smooth and full of changes. Especially, the application of cursive strokes has increased the elegance and flexibility of the whole picture, while at the same time, it does not lose its solemn and solid charm.
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