Green and peaceful, like chimes

[Cuitaiping has an elephant chime]

Cuitaiping has an elephant chime, which is clear, 24 cm high, 26.5 cm long, and 0.7 cm thick
It is green with some white spots. Flaky, one side follows the shape of a bas-relief giant elephant, which looks back to the right, with a long nose and long teeth against the hips. The elephant’s tail is thin and short, and it is thrown to the right and forward. Elephant legs are strong, with front legs forward and rear legs backward, like walking and running. The other side is carved with cloud patterns, and a double circle is raised in the middle. The four characters of “peace and image” are embossed inside the circle to express the positive image. The upper part of the chime is carved with five pine balls, and the central one is perforated with copper rings and hooks
The so-called “golden bells and jade chimes” are commonly used in ancient Chinese books. The “gold” of the “golden bell” refers to bronze at that time. Only in the Qing Dynasty did the real golden bell made of gold appear. The ancient jade is “the beauty of stone”, so the ancient “jade chime” is also a chime made of beautiful stone in a broad sense. The golden bells and jade chimes are all musical instruments used by ancient emperors to hold important ceremonies. This jade chime has a hook and ring at the top that can be hung on the wooden frame. It can be used as a musical instrument and can also be regarded as an exquisite artistic display

图片[1]-Green and peaceful, like chimes-China Archive
图片[2]-Green and peaceful, like chimes-China Archive翠太平有象磬图片[3]-Green and peaceful, like chimes-China Archive翠太平有象磬

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