Wang Jianfang Shuming Changsong Immortal Hall Axis

[Wang Jian imitates the picture axis of Shuming Changsong Immortal Hall]

The picture axis of Shuming Changsong Immortal Hall, Qing Dynasty, Wang Jian, paper edition, color setting, 138.2 cm vertically and 54.5 cm horizontally
The self-title of this picture: “Ding Weiqinghe, imitating the picture of Changsong Immortal Hall of Shu Ming Dynasty, congratulates Wang Jian on the 50th birthday of Nian Weng of the Penitentiary.” This picture is made by Wang Jian for his friend You Dong. The scenery in the picture means longevity, and the immortal hall means Yashi. The signature is stamped with “Yuanzhao” and “Ranxiang Nunnery Leader”. Ding Wei was the sixth year of Kangxi’s reign in the Qing Dynasty (1667)
At the bottom of the picture, the rocks close to the water are interlaced with long pines, and the waves of pines seem to be audible. The quiet path winds through the pine forest and leads to the pavilion in the mountain. The pavilion is surrounded by green trees, behind which there are thousands of gullies, green peaks, lush and beautiful, and there are other thatched houses on the hillside. The whole picture depicts the lush green mountains and lofty mountains, the quiet and quiet mountain cottages, and conveys the leisurely interest of the literati and the literati who have never made an official career. This picture is actually the work of the author
Wang Jian’s works have three kinds of colors, namely ink and wash, green and light red. The light crimson landscape was created by Dong Yuan of the Five Dynasties and formed in Huang Gongwang. At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, Wang Meng changed a little. It was filled in with ochre on the basis of ink and water. It was unique in style and spirit. Wang Jian’s painting is just like Wang Meng’s, and is slightly stained with ochre at the trunk, house, rock, slope foot and other places, which enriches the layers of the painting and adds a delicate charm. The title says “imitating Shuming”. The painting not only imitates Wang Meng in color setting, but also can see the influence of Wang Meng in composition and texturing. As shown in the picture, Wang’s usual composition of mountains and mountains is adopted, which is powerful and magnificent. Another example is that Wang Shiduoshi is good at untwisting and chapping the stone, and delineating the texture of the stone in detail. At the same time, the picture also shows Wang Jian’s personal style. His calm and gentle style and elegant and beautiful charm make the audience calm and spontaneous
This picture is an exquisite work of Wang Jian’s light red landscape painting in his later years.
图片[1]-Wang Jianfang Shuming Changsong Immortal Hall Axis-China Archive

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