Jinleisi is always happy

[Jinleisi Wannian Ruyi]

Jinleisi Wannian Ruyi, clear, 42.7 cm long, 5.4 cm wide handle, 11.3 cm wide head
Ruyi is a wooden tire, which is made of 80% gold. On the front of Ruyi’s head is an ancient coin pattern of silk, with the word “Yiyou” embedded in the center of turquoise, and on the back is a hollow ancient coin pattern with a wooden tire exposed. The front side of the handle is also a silk antique coin pattern, inlaid with the four words of turquoise “Wannian Ruyi”, and the back side is a silk hexagonal brocade pattern. Ruyi’s side is decorated with curly grass patterns
This Ruyi is one of a set of 60 handles, and it is the gift of the princes and ministers at the 60th birthday of Emperor Qianlong. The positive side of each Ruyi head is respectively inlaid with the words “Jiazi”, “Yichou”, “Guihai” and other Ganzhi years, which is exactly 60 years old
Ruyi’s exquisite, delicate and complex workmanship is a typical work of the Qianlong period in the Qing Dynasty

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