The Qing Dynasty expanded the imperial title of Qianlong to supplement the inscription of the Ming Dynasty Duanshilan Pavilion

[The Qing Dynasty expanded the Qianlong Imperial Title to supplement the Ming Dynasty’s End Stone Orchid Pavilion scroll]

The Qing Dynasty expanded the Qianlong Imperial Title to supplement the Ming Dynasty’s End Stone Orchid Pavilion scroll, which was 32.1 cm in length and 1675 cm in width in 1780. The ink engraving part uses the imperial ink, which is black and clear; For the drawing part, thick and light ink are used for color overlay
This volume has no title, and there are three seals at the front of the seal: “Five Blessings and Five Longevity Hall Ancient and Rare Treasure of Heaven”, “The Treasure of Eight Longevity” and “Heaven and Earth as Teacher”. Except for the inscription of the imperial edict of the forty-fifth year of Qianlong, the poems made by the Emperor Qianlong and the annotation on the first part of the scroll, and the postscript of the minister Liang Guozhi and others at the end, the rest of the styles are the same as those of the large volume of the “Orchid Pavilion Painting” reprinted by the king of Ming Yi
In the 45th year of Qianlong’s reign (1780), the Qing Palace obtained the 14 fragments of the stone in the large volume of the “Lanting Painting” carved by King Yi of the Ming Dynasty. Emperor Qianlong, in order to make this note “return to the old view”, issued an edict to supplement the inscription “Ming Dynasty Duanshilan Pavilion Picture Note”. “After measuring the size, the 14 sections of the original stone are divided into 28 sections. According to the internal rubbings, if the incomplete rubbings are removed, they will be copied and supplemented
图片[1]-The Qing Dynasty expanded the imperial title of Qianlong to supplement the inscription of the Ming Dynasty Duanshilan Pavilion-China Archive

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