Da Chongguang’s running script is intended to play a song in Bailuotian

[Da Chongguang’s running script is intended to play the song of Bai Letian]

The axis of the song of Bai Letian, Qing Dynasty, Da Chongguang’s running script, paper version, running script, 94.5 cm in length and 42.7 cm in width
People like to have a good man, but it is not early to marry a man. People know that the adopted daughter loves, and the adopted daughter needs to wear when she marries. The rich family is as prosperous as nature, and the poor family is not so worried. One episode and one sorrow, this life is not the loan of the previous life. Get rid of the involvement of the village and the province, and avoid calling for a son-in-law. The hair on the temples is cut off, and the bowl is held in the east and the bowl in the west to prevent the boss from losing his habitat. Who is the solution to the problem. Being born is still like not being born. It’s a pity that life is seven feet long. The descendants of the living camp died in the Yingying Tunnel, but the listening elite refused to come. Don’t be afraid to be wise. I plan for you for a long time. I hope you can send it to the air. It’s a parade without walls. The fairy class is divided into fruit positions. When the void is broken, it is the same as the void. Bingyin Meng Xia, the first Taoist wrote in Xiaozhai
This book was written in “Bingyin Mengxia”, that is, in the 25th year of Kangxi’s reign in the Qing Dynasty (1686), when Da Chongguang was 64 years old. The next seal is “Da Chongguang Seal” and “Jiangshang Foreign History”. The initial seal is “Shiqing”. No identification seal
Da Chongguang imitates Su Shi and takes Zhao Mengfu as his calligrapher. His style of writing is smooth and smooth, and his style is rich and beautiful. His style of writing is vigorous and beautiful, which has led to the style of calligraphy in the early Qing Dynasty. Da Chongguang’s style of writing has its own family. The history of the book said that he and Jiang Chenying, He Zhuo and Wang Shixuan were called “the four Kangxi families”.
图片[1]-Da Chongguang’s running script is intended to play a song in Bailuotian-China Archive

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