Dongpo Commentary Axis of Wang Shixuan’s Running Script

[Dongpo Commentary Axis of Wang Shixuan’s Running Script]

Dongpo Commentary Axis, Qing Dynasty, Wang Shixuan’s running script, paper version, running script, vertical 91 cm, horizontal 50.9 cm
I was exiled to Huangzhou, and Tang Linfu left this book to me. My family has this book of six people, and my son commented on it for me. Next, Lin Fu’s book is far away from me. Right Dongpo wrote six letters from the Tang family, Wang Shixuan
The lower seal is “Wang Shixuan”, “Tuigu” and the first seal is “Qiu Quan”. No identification seal
The Commentary on Dongpo is a title written by Su Shi after the Six Letters of the Tang Clan in Wang Shixuan’s book. In the text, “Tang Linfu” refers to Tang Ju of the Song Dynasty
Wang Shixuan’s calligraphy is mainly characterized by line and regular script, and the line script is more common in his works. This work of running script is thin, strong and straight. It is sparse and bright. The white cloth is evenly distributed. The stippling is billowing, and the pen is delivered. Predecessors have commented on his book “thin strength”, “old strength” and “book is absolutely thin and hard”, which can be proved by this book.
图片[1]-Dongpo Commentary Axis of Wang Shixuan’s Running Script-China Archive

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