Hu Yunzhong rhinoceros horn carved antique cicada dragon cup

[Hu Yunzhong model rhinoceros horn carved antique cicada and dragon cup]

Hu Yunzhong model rhinoceros horn carved antique cicada and dragon cup, clear, 16.2cm high, 14.1 caliber × 10.9 cm, foot diameter 5.9 × 5.7 cm
This cup is modeled after the Shang and Zhou bronze goblet. The upper and lower parts of the cup are carved with cicada patterns for one week, and the middle part is carved with animal face patterns for one week. On the cicada patterns and animal face patterns, several crawling dragon dragons are embossed, some of which climb on the wall of the cup, and others are entangled into the cup handle. The bottom of the cup is engraved with the inscription of “Ren Wu Qixi Hu Yunzhong wrote for Zhongqing League Weng” in running script and the seal of “Hu Yunzhong seal”
Hu Yunzhong, whose birth and death dates are unknown, should be a master of rhinoceros horn carving in the Qing Dynasty
This cup is skillful with smooth and round lines. From the text of the inscription on the bottom of the cup, it should be a wine set made by Hu Yunzhong for his friend’s relatives

图片[1]-Hu Yunzhong rhinoceros horn carved antique cicada dragon cup-China Archive

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