Jade peach box with gold inlaid gem cover

[Jade peach box with gold inlaid gem cover]

Jade peach box with gold inlaid gem cover, clear, 13.5 cm long, 9 cm wide and 3 cm thick
The box is made of green jade. Peach shape, thin tire, light and plain without lines. The gold cover is decorated with lotus patterns by carving, silk and inlaying techniques, and is inlaid with red and green gemstones
This box is simple in shape, completely without the red tape of the Qing Dynasty jade decoration, while the gold inlaid gem cover is gorgeous and expensive, with strong contrast, so it has a special artistic charm. The use of this box has not been recorded. From the shape analysis, it is more likely to be a stationery or boudoir appliance

图片[1]-Jade peach box with gold inlaid gem cover-China Archive
图片[2]-Jade peach box with gold inlaid gem cover-China Archive金嵌宝石盖青玉桃式盒

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