He Shaoji’s eight character couplets in regular script

[He Shaoji’s regular script eight-character couplet]

The eight-character couplet, Qing Dynasty, He Shaoji’s script, paper, regular script, 191.4 cm in length and 42.8 cm in width
The ancient inkstone Huajian is exposed on the laurel, and the pure words and clever principles come from the Panasonic wind
The Grand Duke of Yunzhai is here. Brother He Shaoji
The signature of the fund: “Yunzhai Grand Grandfather is in the right. His brother He Shaoji.” The seal of “He Shaoji”, the seal of Zhu Wenyin, and the seal of “Zizhen”, the seal of Bai Wenyin
He Shaoji first learned the epitaph of Zhang Xuan in the Northern Wei Dynasty, then learned from Yan Zhenqing, and traced the origin of seal script and official script, especially studied the “Stele of Zhang Qian”. In his later years, he liked to copy Ouyang Xun, with a calm and vigorous charm. Although this work is regular script, it has a broad body, slightly oblique strokes, elegant and free strokes, free from formalism, and has a personality style

图片[1]-He Shaoji’s eight character couplets in regular script-China Archive

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