Epitaph of Liu Yi

[Epitaph of Liu Yi]

33.8 × 32.8 cm
The initial rubbings unearthed in the Qing Dynasty. From the twelfth character of the first line to the first character of the tenth line, a diagonal line is broken. Shi Qing Daoguang was unearthed in Xinxian County, Shanxi Province in the early years. He was once returned to Jiao Bingzhao, a native of Xinxian County, and then returned to Taigu Wenshi. In 1963, Wang Lianxi of Xinxian County donated to Shanxi Provincial Museum
The second year of Xinghe in the Northern Wei Dynasty (540 years). The characters are powerful and the strokes are rigorous

The catalogue of the steles in Ouzhai:
The epitaph of Liu Yi
The second year of Xinghe. Initial rubbings. Disabled. The third son went home. One volume

图片[1]-Epitaph of Liu Yi-China Archive
图片[2]-Epitaph of Liu Yi-China Archive刘懿墓志(册页2)图片[3]-Epitaph of Liu Yi-China Archive刘懿墓志(册页3)

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