Wanli black paint color painting box inlaid with mother-of-pearl dragon pattern

[Wanli style black lacquer painted box inlaid with mother-of-pearl dragon pattern]

Ming Wanli, 81.5cm high, 66.5cm wide and 66.5cm long
The top cover can be opened, the flat drawer is set under the top cover, and the inserting door is set below, and five drawers are installed after inserting the door. The top and four sides of the box are decorated with dragon patterns, which are made by two techniques of color painting and inlay. The inlay is also made of mother-of-pearl and silver, so it is gorgeous and varied. There are six characters in the regular script of “Da Ming Wanli Year System”. The court of the Ming Dynasty used this kind of square and high box to store clothes and crowns.
图片[1]-Wanli black paint color painting box inlaid with mother-of-pearl dragon pattern-China Archive
图片[2]-Wanli black paint color painting box inlaid with mother-of-pearl dragon pattern-China Archive黑漆描金嵌银螺钿龙纹箱款识

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