Halberd, flower and goblet with blue and white dragon and phoenix patterns

[Blue and white dragons and phoenixes with halberd and flower goblet]

Blue and white dragons and phoenixes with halberd and flower goblet, Ming Wanli, height 21.9 cm, caliber 15.7 cm, foot diameter 11.3 cm
Gu (g ū Yin Gu) has a mouth, a long neck, a bulging belly, and a halberd on both sides (j ǐ Yin Ji). Full body blue and white decoration. The belly motif is painted with cloud dragon and cloud phoenix patterns. The neck is painted with two groups of stone and peony. The feet are painted with clouds, origami flowers and dots. Apply white glaze inside the circle foot. The outsole is printed with blue and white regular script “Da Ming Wanli Year System” in double lines and six characters, and the outer blue and white double circles
This Gu is used for palace furnishings. It imitates the style of Shang and Zhou bronzes. It is dignified, powerful and simple. The blue and white flowers are blue and purple. The design implies auspiciousness, and the combination of dragon and phoenix patterns depicts the meaning of “auspicious dragon and phoenix”.
图片[1]-Halberd, flower and goblet with blue and white dragon and phoenix patterns-China Archive
图片[2]-Halberd, flower and goblet with blue and white dragon and phoenix patterns-China Archive青花龙凤纹出戟花觚底部

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