Blue and white cricket pot with cloud and dragon patterns

[Blue and white cloud-dragon cricket can]

Blue and white cloud-dragon cricket can, Ming Longqing, with a total height of 10.6 cm, a caliber of 13.2 cm, and a foot diameter of 13.4 cm
The mouth of the can is slightly closed, the abdominal wall is slightly curved, and the feet are circled. With a cover, the cover is raised, and the center is hollowed out with ancient coins. The whole body is decorated with blue and white. The blue and white are purple in color. The cover and outer wall are painted with double dragons playing with beads. The deformation Ruyi cloud head pattern is painted near the bottom. The outsole is printed with blue and white regular script “Made in Longqing, Ming Dynasty” in double-line six-character style, and the outer blue and white double-line circle
This can is popular at that time. The shape is regular, the workmanship is fine, the screen decoration is dense and delicate, and the model year strokes are neat and powerful
Before Longqing of the Ming Dynasty, most of the model years on the official kiln porcelain of all dynasties used the word “make”, and few used the word “make”, while most of the model years on the official kiln porcelain of Longqing used the word “make”, and few used the word “make”
Cricket jars in the Ming Dynasty were mostly seen in Xuande, Longqing and Wanli dynasties, which were related to the hobbies of the emperors of that dynasty.
图片[1]-Blue and white cricket pot with cloud and dragon patterns-China Archive
图片[2]-Blue and white cricket pot with cloud and dragon patterns-China Archive青花云龙纹蟋蟀罐罐盖图片[3]-Blue and white cricket pot with cloud and dragon patterns-China Archive青花云龙纹蟋蟀罐底部

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