Carved red round box of five old people’s birthday pictures

[Carved red circle box of the five old people’s birthday pictures]

Carved red circle box of the five old people’s birthday pictures, Ming Jiajing, height 12 cm, caliber 24.4 cm. The old collection of the Qing Palace
The box is round and flat. The whole green paint is carved with cloud pattern and brocade ground, and the vermilion paint is carved with pattern. The cover is decorated with Songyun Mountain stone, and the five immortals hold peach fruit, flower stick, gourd, scroll, and ganoderma lucidum respectively. A wisp of smoke rises from the ganoderma lucidum and curls up into the cursive character “Shou” to celebrate the birthday of the group of immortals. The outer walls of the cover and the vessel are carved with cloud dragon patterns and sea water cloud patterns respectively. In the middle of the foot, the knife is engraved with a gold regular script “made in Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty” in a vertical line of six characters
This box is a representative work of lacquer carving in the Jiajing Dynasty of the Ming Dynasty, with fine carving, sharp knife technique, sharp edges, vivid characters’ expressions, smooth clothing patterns, and exquisite artistic style. During the Jiajing period, the decorative themes of lacquerware changed greatly, and there were many themes of fairy auspicious patterns, which was directly related to the worship of Taoism by the Emperor Jiajing

图片[1]-Carved red round box of five old people’s birthday pictures-China Archive
图片[2]-Carved red round box of five old people’s birthday pictures-China Archive剔红五老祝寿图圆盒盖(明嘉靖)图片[3]-Carved red round box of five old people’s birthday pictures-China Archive剔红五老祝寿图圆盒开启状图片[4]-Carved red round box of five old people’s birthday pictures-China Archive剔红五老祝寿图圆盒款识

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