Blue and white dragons wear large plates with tangled branches and lotus patterns

[Blue and white dragons wear a large plate with tangled branches and lotus patterns]

Blue and white dragons wear a large plate with tangled branches and lotus patterns, which is in Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty, with a height of 10.7 cm, a caliber of 77 cm, and a foot diameter of 55 cm
Open plate, shallow arc belly, circle foot. Both inside and outside are painted with blue and white dragons and lotus patterns. No glaze on plain bottom. The blue and white regular script “made in Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty” is inscribed in the rectangular blue and white double-line frame at the lower edge of the outer mouth
Dragon wearing flowers, cloud cranes and eight trigrams are popular patterns on the blue and white porcelain of the Jiajing official kiln in the Ming Dynasty. The painting is exquisite, the dragon pattern is vivid, the pattern lines are natural and smooth, and the shape is huge. It should be specially made to cater to the love of Emperor Jiajing at that time.
图片[1]-Blue and white dragons wear large plates with tangled branches and lotus patterns-China Archive
图片[2]-Blue and white dragons wear large plates with tangled branches and lotus patterns-China Archive青花龙穿缠枝莲纹大盘盘心图片[3]-Blue and white dragons wear large plates with tangled branches and lotus patterns-China Archive青花龙穿缠枝莲纹大盘底部

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