Green space red dragon, phoenix and longevity pattern octagonal basin

[Green space red dragon, phoenix and longevity octagonal basin]

Green space red dragon, phoenix and longevity octagonal basin, 14 cm high, 22.3 cm diameter
The basin is square, wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, and flat at the bottom. The inside of the basin is painted with black paint, and the light is plain without lines. The outer wall is carved with color patterns, and the eight sides are green lacquer carved with echo patterns, hook cloud patterns, and water wave patterns. There are four groups of carved dragon patterns and phoenix patterns. The lower part of each group is carved with sea water and river cliffs, and the upper part has flying dragons or phoenixes, with floating clouds. The upper part of each group of dragon patterns has a circular opening, with a square “Swastika” carved on the brocade ground, and the words “Wan”, “Nian”, “Ru” and “Yi” embossed on it respectively, forming “Ten Thousand Years of Ruyi”. In the center of the outer bottom of the basin, there is a vertical payment in regular script filled with gold “made in Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty”
The style of Jiajing carved lacquer has changed significantly from that of the early period. The carving is fine, the knife method is fast and sharp, and the edges are not polished, and it has the beauty of sharp edges. This work is exquisite and exquisite, and is a masterpiece of lacquer carving during the Jiajing period

图片[1]-Green space red dragon, phoenix and longevity pattern octagonal basin-China Archive

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