Blue and white baby bowl

[Blue and white baby playing bowl]

Blue and white baby playing bowl, 13 cm in height, 22.1 cm in diameter and 7.5 cm in foot diameter
The bowl is open, with thin bottom and round feet. The inner edge is painted with blue and white double lines, the outer edge is decorated with blue and white hook cloud patterns, the outer wall of the bowl is decorated with baby play as the theme, and 20 baby games are in the garden, with different postures, and the space is lined with rocks, pine and bamboo, willow trees, and balustrades. The exterior wall of the foot is painted with echo lines, and there is no glaze or style in the foot
According to the literature, Zhengde Blue and White uses “Potang Green”, also known as “Equal Green”, produced in Leping, Jiangxi Province, which can be burned into soft, elegant and transparent blue at proper temperature
The shape, color, glaze and decoration of this bowl reflect the unique style of Zhengde blue and white porcelain. The composition level is clear, the blue and white color is bright, and the enamel is translucent. The figure painting of this period still has the legacy of Xuande and Chenghua dynasties, with both thick and delicate strokes. The blue and white wares of Zhengde official kilns were at the stage of transformation in the middle and late Ming Dynasty. From then on, the shape and decoration of the bowl can be seen as a succession.
图片[1]-Blue and white baby bowl-China Archive

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