White-glazed blue-and-white plate with green cloud dragon pattern

[White-glazed blue-and-white plate with green cloud dragon pattern]

White-glazed blue-and-white plate with green cloud dragon pattern, Ming Hongzhi, 4 cm high, 20.8 cm caliber, 13 cm foot diameter
Flaring mouth, shallow arc belly, circle foot. The inner and outer walls of the feet are obliquely trimmed with knives, and the foot ends are relatively thin. Two blue and white double strings are painted on the edge of the inner wall and the inner bottom. The inner sole and outer wall are painted with cloud and dragon patterns, and the outline is drawn with black lines and filled with green color. The outer wall underglaze pattern is printed with tangled branch lotus pattern and deformed lotus petal pattern. The mouth is decorated with blue and white strings and flower patterns. There are four blue and white strings on the outer wall of the ring foot. Green and white glaze is applied inside the circle foot. No style.
图片[1]-White-glazed blue-and-white plate with green cloud dragon pattern-China Archive
图片[2]-White-glazed blue-and-white plate with green cloud dragon pattern-China Archive白釉青花加绿彩云龙纹盘盘心图片[3]-White-glazed blue-and-white plate with green cloud dragon pattern-China Archive白釉青花加绿彩云龙纹盘底部

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