Mingchenghua bright red glaze plate

[Mingcheng bright red glazed plate]

Mingcheng bright red glazed plate, 5 cm in height, 20.9 cm in diameter and 13.5 cm in foot diameter
The plate is open, the arc wall, the circle foot, and the bottom is slightly collapsed. It is commonly known as “Wopan” because it looks like a bird’s nest. White glaze is applied inside the plate and feet. The outer wall is painted with high-temperature copper red glaze. The red glaze layer is plump and bright, as bright as natural ruby. Because of the large and dense bubbles in the glaze layer and the orange peel on the glaze surface, the incident light is scattered, which is soft and pleasing to the eyes. The glaze on the outer wall of the ring foot is black and red, just like the back of a green shrimp. The white fetal bone is exposed due to the melting and sagging of the glaze when the mouth is fired at high temperature, forming a round white edge. The carcass is thick, the outsole has blue and white double circles, and the inner regular script “Da Ming Cheng Hua Year System” has six characters and two lines. The color is elegant, and the cadence is powerful
The bright red glazed porcelain of the Ming Dynasty was produced in Yongle and Xuande with the largest output and the best quality. Since then, due to technical and other reasons, the production has gradually fallen into difficulties, and the output has declined sharply. Successful works are rare. At the time of Jiajing, although the court repeatedly urged the firing of bright red glaze porcelain, due to the difficulty of firing, the relevant officials had to request to replace it with low-temperature alum glaze which was easy to fire
Chenghua bright red glazed porcelain handed down from generation to generation is extremely rare, so it is extremely precious. A few years ago, tons of porcelain pieces were unearthed from the Chenghua official kiln site in Zhushan, Jingdezhen. The bright red glazed porcelain specimens are only a few, and the above bright red glazed plate specimens are also rare, indicating that the bright red glazed porcelain in Chenghua was only occasionally fired. The shape and glaze of this dish (bubbles in the glaze, orange peel patterns, etc.) are very similar to the Xuande bright red glaze dish. If there is no style, it can easily be mistaken for Xuande ware.
图片[1]-Mingchenghua bright red glaze plate-China Archive
图片[2]-Mingchenghua bright red glaze plate-China Archive明成化鲜红釉盘款识

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