Colorful vine vase

[Colorful vine vase]

Colorful vine vase, clear, 18.7cm high, 4cm caliber, 8.5cm foot diameter. The old collection of the Qing Palace
Bottle lip, straight neck, flat and round belly, round foot. Glaze is applied inside and outside and inside the circle foot. The glaze color is white and slightly gray. The whole body is covered with underglaze blue and white double hook vine pattern, and the glaze is filled with light green color according to the blue and white outline. The outsole is printed with blue and white regular script “Da Ming Cheng Hua Year System” in six characters and double lines, and the outer blue and white boxes
No matter from the handed down or unearthed Chenghua colored porcelain, bottle ware is rare. This bottle uses the vine pattern which is usually used as the edge decoration as the theme decoration, which is also an innovation. The combination of light blue and white with a single light green color is particularly fresh and elegant

图片[1]-Colorful vine vase-China Archive
图片[2]-Colorful vine vase-China Archive斗彩蔓草纹瓶款识

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