Yongle bell pestle

[Yongle bell pestle]

Yongle bell pestle, Ming Yongle, 22.5cm high. The old collection of the Qing Palace
This set of pestle was made during the reign of Yongle in the Ming Dynasty. It was internally cast with the name of “the year of Yongle in the Ming Dynasty” and was made by the court of the Ming Dynasty. The bell is in the shape of a pestle, with the Buddha’s head covered with lotus, and is cast with six words of truth and patterns such as wreaths and vajra pestle. The pestle is a copper-plated five-strand pestle with five peaks at both ends, representing the five Buddhas and five wisdom
The bell is one of the commonly used magic tools in Tibetan Buddhism, also known as Tibetan bell, Vajra bell, etc. It often rings when practicing Dharma. It is a magic tool used by all Buddhists to warn and make them happy. Because of its solid body, it is called Vajra, and because its shape is five-cobalt, it is also called five-cobalt bell. Tibetan Buddhism regards it as a tool representing wisdom and virtue
The pestle is the name of Buddhist magic weapon. It was originally a weapon of ancient India. It is used by the Buddhist Tantra to show the wisdom of perseverance, and it is a magic tool to break troubles and subdue demons. It is made of gold, silver, copper, iron or hardwood, with eight to sixteen fingers in length, of which the sixteen fingers are the top, the twelve fingers are the middle, and the eight fingers are the bottom. There are single, three and five shares at both ends. It is generally believed that the Vajra pestle symbolizes Bodhicitta. If you do not hold the Vajra pestle to chant Buddha, you will not achieve your goal
In the fourth year of Yongle (1406), Tibet Shangshiha Lima traveled a long way to Nanjing to meet the Emperor Yongle, and received a grand reception. This pestle is in the gift of Emperor Yongle.
图片[1]-Yongle bell pestle-China Archive

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