Tapestry flower album

[Brochure of tapestry flowers]

Brochure of tapestry flowers, Ming Dynasty, twelve open, 41 cm vertically and 42 cm horizontally. The old collection of the Qing Palace
The flower book is woven on the ground with various colors of flowers, such as camellia narcissus, magnolia begonia, peony, green peach hibiscus, lilies and spring flowers, lotus dragonfly, rhododendron, sesame orchid, begonia, cut autumn yarn, butterfly flower, plum flower, and so on. The painting adopts the tapestry techniques such as flat tapestry, structural tapestry, wooden combed tapestry, long and short tapestry, Fengwei tapestry and Guan tapestry. The tapestry is meticulous and natural, and the painting does not seek shape similarity. It has a simple style of literati flower and bird painting
On the three pages of camellia narcissus, plum trees, bamboo, and magnolia begonia, there are 11 seals for the treasure collection: “Treasure of Qianlong Emperor”, “Treasure Collection of Shiqu”, “Treasure Collection of Shiqu”, “Recombination of Treasure Collection”, “Treasure Collection of Qianqing Palace”, “Treasure Collection of Xuantong Emperor”, “Treasure Collection of Wuyi Room”, “Treasure Collection of Sanxi Hall”, “Treasure Collection of Qianlong Emperor”, “Treasure Collection of Xuantong Emperor”. Description of Shiqu Baoji Continuation.
图片[1]-Tapestry flower album-China Archive
图片[2]-Tapestry flower album-China Archive缂丝花卉册之玉兰海棠图片[3]-Tapestry flower album-China Archive缂丝花卉册之牡丹图片[4]-Tapestry flower album-China Archive缂丝花卉册之百合剪春罗图片[5]-Tapestry flower album-China Archive缂丝花卉册之荷花蜻蜓图片[6]-Tapestry flower album-China Archive缂丝花卉册之踯躅图片[7]-Tapestry flower album-China Archive缂丝花卉册之芝兰图片[8]-Tapestry flower album-China Archive缂丝花卉册之秋海棠图片[9]-Tapestry flower album-China Archive缂丝花卉册之剪秋纱图片[10]-Tapestry flower album-China Archive缂丝花卉册之蝴蝶花图片[11]-Tapestry flower album-China Archive缂丝花卉册之梅花图片[12]-Tapestry flower album-China Archive蝶翅花样用凤尾戗

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