Qian Bo’s regular script poem page

[Qian Bo’s regular script poetry page]

The regular script poetry page, Ming Dynasty, Qian Bo’s book, paper, album, 27.8 cm vertically, 39.1 cm horizontally, regular script, 17 lines, 225 characters
The holy emperor is in the imperial palace, and the life span is open to eight wastes. Tiaotiao and Dai Bai are always healthy. Mr. Liu is a Lou Jiangke. He has passed down his family for hundreds of generations. I have no intention of dreaming of Dao State in my life, and I am willing to hide in the wild clothes. When Geng Pang Laotian was drunk with Magu wine. Wandering around freely, the world is a leisurely old man. He bought books and taught his son to become a famous scholar. His native place is Chi Fangsheng. Only now I have enjoyed the rewards and benefits, and I am honored by the imperial edict of Han brocade. Memories of Kuang Tingwei, “0511” and “0512” have no reason to go. The heart is flying one cloud after another, and every time it stands high. In the early autumn, the situation of Fuhua is approaching, and it is especially deep to want to see without seeing. He ordered his brother to pay a visit to the family for the celebration, and the cup of rosy clouds poured in front of the flowers. Mr. Shou is respected, and Mr. Xianlang is extremely filial. Because of this feeling, I wrote poems to comfort my memory. It is known that the beautiful banquet opens the Huatang, and the group of immortals feast happily. The wind in the jade is clear, but the heat is hot. The dew on the golden stem is white, and it is fresh and cool. When the wise and the wise meet together, loyalty and filial piety are worthy of praise. There is still time for the day brocade to return. I wish Zhuang Chun 8000 years old. Qian Bo in the cloud
Seal “Xinyou Jieyuan”, “Yuanbo” and “Shuanggui”
The calligraphy of “Regular Script Poetry” is beautiful and straight, the strokes are fine and powerful, the knot is pure and beautiful, the lines are beautiful and strong, and the transition is flexible and flexible. Qian Bo’s calligraphy pays more attention to the use of the strokes. The strokes are thin, and the strokes are picked up. He and his brother Qian Pu are both influenced by Song Ke, but they tend to be sharp. The history of painting is called “calligraphy in the clouds”. Wang Shimao commented: “Between Shen and Yang Bo, scholars compare and learn from each other, and Qian Yuan and Bo’s generation began.”
图片[1]-Qian Bo’s regular script poem page-China Archive

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