Copper handle button “Aoshan Weihou Qianhuo Baihu Seal”

[Copper handle button “thousands of households behind Aoshan Wei”]

Copper handle button “thousands of households behind Aoshan Wei”, Ming, printed face 7.1 × 7.1 cm, through height 8.8 cm
Printed copper cast, handle button. The printed face is embossed with a wide border, and the printed text is cast in embossed script, starting from the top right. There is a regular script inscription on the printing table, “Ao Shan Wei Hou Qianhu Baihu Seal. Made by the Ministry of Rites. May 31, Hongwu. Ao Zi No. 51”
This is the official seal of the Ming Dynasty. In the Ming Dynasty, the system of garrison troops was implemented, with thousands of garrisons under the garrison and hundreds of garrisons under the garrison. The garrison troops were 112, divided into two general flags and ten small flags. The official seals of the Ming Dynasty were mostly oval handle buttons with long body, wide bottom and converging top. Aoshanwei was established in the 21st year of Hongwu (1388) and is now located in Dongaoshanwei, Jimo City, Shandong Province.
图片[1]-Copper handle button “Aoshan Weihou Qianhuo Baihu Seal”-China Archive
图片[2]-Copper handle button “Aoshan Weihou Qianhuo Baihu Seal”-China Archive“鳌山卫后千户所百户印”印面图片[3]-Copper handle button “Aoshan Weihou Qianhuo Baihu Seal”-China Archive“鳌山卫后千户所百户印”钤本图片[4]-Copper handle button “Aoshan Weihou Qianhuo Baihu Seal”-China Archive“鳌山卫后千户所百户印”拓片

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