Dong Qichang’s regular script Zhusi’s epitaph

[Dong Qichang’s regular script, Zhu Si’s epitaph]

“Zhu Si’s epitaph” volume, Ming, Dong Qichang’s script, paper, regular script, 37.3 cm vertically and 331.1 cm horizontally
At the end of the volume, there is Dong Qichang’s own title in the running script: “Jingtao was appointed to govern the river and the water, and he recommended it by the calendar. Meng Enyu was the prime minister of the Grand Secretary of the State, the General Secretary of the State. Although all of them were firmly refused to worship, Zuo Bo’s imperial edict in Shandong Province had been given, which should be regarded as the second grade. The monument to the gods was built in the first tomb. This inscription is only used for the ears of divination officials. Dong Qichang’s title.” The two seals of “Zong Bo Bachelor” and “Dong’s Xuanzao” were sealed. The collection includes “Songyun Pavilion”, “Qinyoutang Seal”, “Xizhai Identification”, etc
This volume is the epitaph written by Dong Qichang for Zhu Si, the father of Zhu Jingtao, a native at the age of 61, and was completed in the 43rd year of Wanli (1615) of the Ming Dynasty. Its writing style is round and flexible, and its posture is the same as that of Li Yong and Xu Hao. It is vigorous and compact, and full of energy. It is the representative work of the author at the peak of his creation. Dong’s use of the black silk border grid, which does not make the characters in the center, but in the upper left corner, is quite unique
Dong also wrote the volume of “Records of Dredging the Road and Horse Lake in Huai’an Mansion” in recognition of Zhu Jingtao’s water control work. You can refer to this volume.
图片[1]-Dong Qichang’s regular script Zhusi’s epitaph-China Archive

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