New Yan Chapter Volume of Wen Zhengming’s Running Script

[Wenzhengming Xingshu New Yanpian Volume]

New Yanpian Volume, Ming, Wenzhengming, paper, Xingshu, 30.6 cm in length and 713.6 cm in width
New Yan Chapter
Apricot flowers fly and spring Yan comes, and the host flowers bloom in the new hall. The flowers meet and the green trees wind in the east. The desert is sparsely covered with smoke and green grass, and the spring mud is wet with speckled light rain. The first place in the city is connected with the clouds, and Huadong □ □ (without the word “Zhumeng”) is beautiful in spring. The ancient fortress of Ning (the collection of the five Wens is “Neng”) has no embroidered screen, but it is sentimental to the bottom of the eaves of Mao (the collection of the five Wens is “Mao”). The thatched eaves are warm in the sun and the embroidered curtain is cold. They come and go only for ordinary viewing. It is because we know that there is no new reason for the nature of things, and the world situation (the collection of the five Wens is “people”) divides the rich and the poor. My old house has been moved several times, only three years ago. Once the difference was suddenly in the eye, I felt that Hua Huansheng was in the rafters. There are many books about fragrant soil pollution (the collection of the five Wens is called “pollution”), and sometimes there are dances of flying flowers. People say that birds get angry first, and how can their master recover from poverty and disease. Life is not afraid of being poor. I hope to see new Yan every year. It was written in Yuqing Mountain Room on March 4 of the Gengxu Movement. It was eighty and one years old, symbolizing the Ming Dynasty
The money sign: “It was written in Yuqing Mountain House on March 4, Gengxu. It was eighty and one years old. It symbolized the Ming Dynasty”. The “Wen Zheng Ming Seal” and “Stop Cloud Pavilion” are both white square, and the “Stop Long” is white long. “Stop the cloud” white long print at the beginning
Jiancang Seal: “Qin Zhongwen Appreciation Seal” Zhu Chang, “Qunfeng Gongcui House” Bai Chang, “Zunhua Qin Yuzhen Appreciation” Bai Wen. After the volume, the owner of Binchuan wrote an inscription
The New Yan Pian is a seven-character ancient poem written by Wen himself, which is published in Volume IV of the Collection of Wen’s Five Schools. This volume was written by him at the age of 81. It is recorded that he wrote this poem at the age of 75 and 87, with different styles. His eldest son, Wen Peng, also wrote this poem in his later years. Wen Zhengming’s running script is mainly based on Huairen’s collection of Wang Xizhi’s “Preface to the Holy Religion” and Zhiyong. His strokes are powerful and smooth. In his later years, he learned from Huang Tingjian’s large characters, and the style is vigorous and elegant. This volume is based on Huang Tingjian, with exaggerated strokes and creative composition

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