Xihong Hall Dharma Book

[Xihongtang Calligraphy]

Xihongtang Calligraphy, also known as Xihongtang Calligraphy, is a famous inscription of the Ming Dynasty, with 16 volumes, which is carved by Dong Qichang’s selection of famous calligraphies of the Jin, Tang, Song and Yuan dynasties and old editions. The title of the official script is “Xihong Hall Calligraphy I”. The first line of official script of the “Imperial Academy’s National History Compilation and Reading Official Dong Qichang’s Examination and Approval” was opened, and the second line of official script of the “Dong’s composition in Huating, Guimao Renri, at the age of the 31st year of Wanli (1603)” was signed at the end of the payment
Dong Qichang is a master of calligraphy and painting in the Ming Dynasty. In his life, he has not only left numerous calligraphy and painting works, but also devoted himself to collecting the famous works of his predecessors in French. The collection and engraving of “Drama Hongtang Calligraphy” is the crystallization of his collection activities. There is no exact record of the time of the beginning of the carving of the “Xihongtang Dharma Book”. According to the model year after the posting, the completion date is the 31st year of the Wanli calendar. When Dong Qichang was 49 years old, this post became popular because of his great reputation. According to records, the original version of “Xihongtang Fa Shu” is woodcut, and the later version is damaged and re-cut. The stone tablet was damaged by Japanese aircraft bombing in the early 1940s. There are 133 existing stones in Anhui Provincial Museum
Although some scholars in the Ming and Qing dynasties believed that the copy of “Xihong Tang Fa Shu” was not perfect, due to Dong Qichang’s rich collection, this post had advantages in the material selection of some of the works included, so that today’s non-biographical posts can be met, which is extremely important for the study of ancient posts
There are few rubbings on woodblock, and rubbings on stone block have been handed down in the world. Since this post was once popular in the Ming Dynasty, there were reprints at that time. There are several types of lithographic rubbings in the Ming Dynasty: early Ming Dynasty rubbings, Shi’s “use of the big room”, Wang’s “Hengyun Mountain Villa”, Shen’s “ancient Ni Garden”, etc. There are regular script and seal script
The rubbings of the Ming Dynasty collected in the Palace Museum have a half-width of 29.3 cm in the vertical and 14.6 cm in the horizontal, with a wooden surface and 16 volumes. The opening numbers of the sixteen volumes are: 33 half, 27 half, 27 half, 31 half, 26 half, 26 half, 27 half, 26 half, 25 half, 26 half, 31 half, 23 half, 28 half, 23 half, 23 half, 30 half. Black paper is mounted, thick ink is expanded, folded and mounted, and packed in wooden boxes. The rubbings were signed by Li Hongmei, a Qing Dynasty native. There is an unsigned signature in the post, saying that this is Fang Junyi’s old collection. After textual research, it should be the early rubbings of stone tablets
There is Tang Han’s postscript on the front page of the rubbings. The seal of this collection: “Dai Canglin”, “Quxi Tang’s Book”, “Oubo Chi Hall”, “Fang Junyi’s Seal”, “Calm Buddhist”, “Zhang Dan’s Seal”, “Xiliang’s Treasure”, “Life’s True Appreciation”, etc
Volume I of Rong Geng’s Cong Timu includes the Timu of Xihong Tang Fashu. Modern Ouyang Fu’s “Collection of Ancient and Truth”, modern Qigong’s “Qigong Cong Draft”, Zhang Yansheng’s “Good Book of Steles”, Wang Zhuanghong’s “Notes on the Study of Steles” and other books all talk about the “Xihongtang Fa Shu”.
图片[1]-Xihong Hall Dharma Book-China Archive
图片[2]-Xihong Hall Dharma Book-China Archive《戏鸿堂法书》卷一目录图片[3]-Xihong Hall Dharma Book-China Archive《戏鸿堂法书》一图片[4]-Xihong Hall Dharma Book-China Archive《戏鸿堂法书》宋宝晋斋帖图片[5]-Xihong Hall Dharma Book-China Archive《戏鸿堂法书》晋中书令王献之洛神赋图片[6]-Xihong Hall Dharma Book-China Archive《戏鸿堂法书》钟绍京书图片[7]-Xihong Hall Dharma Book-China Archive《戏鸿堂法书》米海岳(米芾)书九歌图片[8]-Xihong Hall Dharma Book-China Archive《戏鸿堂法书》西园雅集图记

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