Preface to Wulan Pavilion

[Preface to Wulanting by Ming Tuo]

The Preface to Wulanting by Ming Tuo is an engraved version of Wulanting by Ming Tuo. The nine-character damaged version is combined with seventeen stickers. Brocade face, white paper cut, cut, square mounted, butterfly mounted. Three open. The half-width of the ink paper is 25cm vertically and 12.4cm horizontally
Seal the seal of “Su Wan Gua Er Jia Jing Lin Collection of Books and Paintings”, “Suojia’s Baokui Appreciation Seal”, “Book Rain House”, “Zhang Qinglan Appreciation Seal”, “Wen Ge’s Seal” and other seals.
It is the inscription “Song Tuo’s seventeen prefaces to the Orchid Pavilion are a combination. Yao Wanda’s postscript to the Mid-Autumn Festival in Xinwei, Jiaqing. The bamboo Taoist postscript to Luanyang in the Mid-Autumn Festival in Guichou.” Yao Wanda said: “The Changbai Baowen Wall is a good ancient scholar, and there are not less than a thousand kinds of beautiful postscripts.” Bao Kuiba said: “There is no one who can win the battle for the Tibetan Orchid Pavilion.”

图片[1]-Preface to Wulan Pavilion-China Archive
图片[2]-Preface to Wulan Pavilion-China Archive册页17图片[3]-Preface to Wulan Pavilion-China Archive册页18

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