Black-glazed brown colored flower pattern small mouth bottle

[Black-glazed brown colored flower pattern small mouth bottle]

Black-glazed brown colored flower pattern small mouth bottle, gold, 22 cm high, 3.5 cm diameter, 13.5 cm foot diameter
The bottle has a small mouth, an edge under the mouth, a short neck, a long shoulder, a large belly, a gradual contraction under the belly, and a hidden circle of feet. The whole body is painted with black glaze, on which a brush dipped in brown glaze is used to depict broken flower patterns
Although the design of this bottle is only a few strokes, the design is vivid and natural. The shape is thick and round, simple and lovely. This type of bottle is commonly seen in northern porcelain kilns. There are also white glazed brown flowers, white glazed flowers and other varieties of porcelain handed down from generation to generation
The black glaze brown color is made by using the poor iron ore containing iron oxide as the painting material, first painting the decorative patterns on the porcelain body with black glaze, and then baking it in the kiln at high temperature. The patterns are rusty, so it is also called “rust flower”. This kind of decoration technique was popular in northern porcelain kilns during the Song and Jin dynasties, with Cizhou kiln being the most representative. The shapes of utensils include bottles, cans, vats, plates, bowls, etc.
图片[1]-Black-glazed brown colored flower pattern small mouth bottle-China Archive
图片[2]-Black-glazed brown colored flower pattern small mouth bottle-China Archive黑釉褐彩花卉纹小口瓶底部

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