Dingyao white glaze printing Wuniu panting moon chart plate

[Ding Kiln White-glaze Printed Wu Niu Chuanyue Chart]

Ding Kiln White-glaze Printed Wu Niu Chuanyue Chart Chart, gold, 5.1 cm high, 30.5 cm caliber, 11.8 cm foot diameter
Open plate, shallow arc wall, circle foot. The whole body is painted with white enamel inside and outside, and the mouth is inlaid with copper buckle without glaze. Printed decoration inside the plate. A full moon in the diamond light hangs high in the sky, and a buffalo’s mouth is slightly open below, its front leg is upright, and its back leg is kneeling down, looking up. Simple flowers and grass patterns are carved around the diamond light and around the cow
This pattern is traditionally thought to be “Rhinoceros Watching the Moon”, and later it is thought to be “Wu Niu panting the moon”. Shishuo Xinyu said: “Today’s buffalo only lives in the Jianghuai River, so it is called Wuniu. It is hot in the south, and this cow is afraid of the heat. Seeing the moon is suspicious of the sun, so seeing the moon is breathless.” The craftsman of Ding Kiln in the Jin Dynasty carved it on the porcelain, reflecting the unstable psychology of the people at that time who were deeply afraid of the frequent war and the increasingly heavy pressure of life

图片[1]-Dingyao white glaze printing Wuniu panting moon chart plate-China Archive

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