Blue and blue landscape axis with tapestry

[Kesi Qingbi Landscape Map Axis]

Qingbi Landscape Map Axis, Southern Song Dynasty, Shen Zibo weaving style, Kesi, height 88.5 cm, width 37 cm
This picture axis adopts various techniques in weaving and embroidery, such as “infiltrating and blocking”, “long and short blocking” to form mountain patterns, “weaving and blocking” to weave contour lines, “flat blocking” for all flat color blocks, and “Zi and Mu Jing” for tapering characters and seals. In addition, in the mountains, clouds, water and other places, light color rendering is also used to make the scenery far and near, with distinct layers
This picture scroll tapestry is like a pen, without losing a minute, with powerful lines and bright colors. It reproduces the ethereal and open-minded charm of nature in the south of the Yangtze River, and has the beauty of craftsmanship that ink landscape painting cannot have. It is one of the representative works of Shen’s Kesi landscape paintings and is a precious cultural relic.
图片[1]-Blue and blue landscape axis with tapestry-China Archive

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