Jun kiln rose-purple glaze drum nail three-foot washing

[Jun kiln rose purple glaze drum nail three-foot washing]

Jun kiln rose purple glaze drum nail three-foot washing, era? Height: 9.4 cm, caliber: 23.5 cm, foot pitch: 9.5 cm
The mouth is slightly open, the belly is curved, and the bottom is supported by three Ruyi heads and feet. The upper and lower parts of the body are decorated with drum nails for two weeks (22 on the top and 18 on the bottom). Sky blue glaze is applied inside and rose purple glaze is applied outside. The outsole is thinly brushed with yellowish-brown tyre protection glaze, and there are burning marks around the bottom, and the word “I” is engraved. Jun porcelain specimens with numerals from “one” to “ten” were found at the Juntai kiln site in Yu County, Henan Province, which are the same as those collected by the Palace Museum. The inscription “Yingtai” is carved horizontally on the outsole and “Jingxixuan” is carved vertically, which is carved for the Qing court
This washing is the largest of its kind in Jun kiln. Its rose purple glaze color and earthworm walking mud pattern are the characteristics of Jun kiln porcelain, and are the representative works of Jun kiln porcelain handed down from generation to generation.
图片[1]-Jun kiln rose-purple glaze drum nail three-foot washing-China Archive
图片[2]-Jun kiln rose-purple glaze drum nail three-foot washing-China Archive钧窑鼓钉三足洗-款识

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