Jun kiln rose purple glaze drum nail tripod flowerpot holder

[Jun kiln rose purple glaze drum nail tripod flowerpot holder]

Jun kiln rose purple glaze drum nail tripod flowerpot holder, Northern Song Dynasty, 8.7 cm high, 22.5 cm diameter, and 16 cm foot distance
The flowerpot is supported by a converging mouth, a shallow arc belly, and a flat bottom, with three cloud-shaped feet underneath. There are 19 drum nails in the upper part and 16 drum nails in the lower part of the outer wall along the lower part and near the bottom. The numeral “two” is engraved on the outsole, indicating that it is the second largest in the same set of utensils. The sky blue glaze is applied inside, and there are several obvious “earthworm walking mud patterns”, and the rose purple glaze on the outer wall is fused with the sky blue glaze. The glaze sagging at the drum nail of the table is obvious, giving people a natural and vivid aesthetic feeling, adding artistic charm.
图片[1]-Jun kiln rose purple glaze drum nail tripod flowerpot holder-China Archive
图片[2]-Jun kiln rose purple glaze drum nail tripod flowerpot holder-China Archive钧窑玫瑰紫釉鼓钉三足花盆托俯视图片[3]-Jun kiln rose purple glaze drum nail tripod flowerpot holder-China Archive钧窑玫瑰紫釉鼓钉三足花盆托底部

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