White glazed plum vase

[White glazed plum vase]

White glazed plum vase, Tang Dynasty, 42.5 cm high, 9 cm diameter, 17.5 cm bottom diameter
The plum bottle has a small lip, short neck, full shoulder, gradually converging below the shoulder, and a flat bottom. The fetus is delicate. The whole body is painted with white glaze, the glaze is smooth and clean, without any impurities, the glass texture is strong, the transparency is high, and the glaze is covered with uniform and fine split patterns
This shape is customarily called “plum vase”. It is a wine container and can also be used as a “vase” by arranging flowers. It is generally believed that the porcelain plum vase was first burned in the Song Dynasty. This physical object proves that it has appeared in the Tang Dynasty.
图片[1]-White glazed plum vase-China Archive
图片[2]-White glazed plum vase-China Archive白釉梅瓶底部

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