Tripartite Stone Sutra

[Three-body Stone Sutra]

Three-body Stone Sutra, the Wei Dynasty of the Three Kingdoms, is 38 cm high and 32 cm wide
During the Three Kingdoms Period, the stone was carved in the second year (241) of the beginning of the Wei regime. Today, there are 11 lines of 110 characters in writing. The ancient seal, small seal and official script are carved in the same style. The three-body stone scripture is called the “three-character stone scripture” in the historical books, and later called the “Weishi scripture” or “Zhengshi three-body stone scripture”. It is a stone carving with the content of “Shang Shu”, “Spring and Autumn” and “Zuo Zhuan”. The main purpose of the publication of the Stone Sutra is “there is a story of Jin Yong, the patriarchal temple of Taifu, in Taiwan Province, and the Imperial College has the ancient text of the Stone Sutra that precedes Confucianism”, to promote Confucianism and emphasize Confucianism. In addition, the text of the Stone Sutra has the function of correcting the content of documents, characters, and calligraphic style. The Wei Shu · Lie Chuan Shu Yi recorded: “The Three-Character Stone Sutra was built to the west of the stele of the Han Dynasty, and its text was magnificent, and the three-body reprinted. The revised Shuo Wen, the seal script was in Datong, but the ancient characters were less different.” The Lie Chuan · You Minggen Liu Fang recorded: “The three-character Stone Sutra was made in Taixue in the past Han Dynasty, and the scholars’ characters were not correct, and the quality of the text was much more.” This stone inscription contains 36 characters of the ancient seal script and 39 characters of the small seal script, The official script has 35 characters, and the inscription is the content of Shangshu · Zhoushu · Junshi. The characters and calligraphies of the Tripartite Stone Sutra are still valuable material materials for studying characters and calligraphies
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图片[1]-Tripartite Stone Sutra-China Archive
图片[2]-Tripartite Stone Sutra-China Archive三体石经拓片

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