Xiping Broken Stele

[Xiping Broken Stele]

Vertical: 67cm, horizontal: 64.5cm. Ma Heng donated
This is the Qing Dynasty rubbings, which have been preserved from Qianlong to Daoguang
The monument was erected in the reign of Xi Ping in the Han Dynasty. The inscriptions on the tablet are upright and honest in style. Fang Shuo commented that the book was “honest and downright”. It belongs to the mature period of official script in the Eastern Han Dynasty. The monument is now in the Han and Wei Steles Exhibition Hall in Qufu, Shandong Province
Huang Yi’s bibliography of small Penglai Pavilion. Huang Yi wrote in the postscript of his “The Twelve Pictures of Obtaining Monuments · The Painting of Celebrating Monuments in the Little Penglai Pavilion”: “On the ninth day of October 10, the tenth day of the reign of Emperor Qianlong and the fiftieth day of his horse’s tooth, Qi Youxian gathered. I avoided the noise of the Sihe River and sent workers to rub the monument. The monument of Dexiping was at the east gate of Qufu for two and a half years. I was extremely happy and ordered to drink wine, and invited Li Tieqiao to be drunk. Comrades and comrades heard it to celebrate together. When Ruan Gong Zhan Yuntai tried Qufu and asked him to move the monument, Yan and the bamboo leaf tablet coexisted.”

图片[1]-Xiping Broken Stele-China Archive
图片[2]-Xiping Broken Stele-China Archive熹平断碑

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