Bronze nose button “Chu Yongcang Cheng” seal

[Bronze nose button “Chu Yong Cang Cheng” seal]

Bronze nose button “Chu Yong Cang Cheng” seal, printed face 2.1 × 2.1 cm, 1.5 cm high
Printed copper cast, square, nose button. The printed text is in Chinese seal character, white text, arranged in two vertical lines, and the words “Chu Yongcang Cheng” are read from the upper right
“Chu” in the seal refers to the kingdom of Chu in the Western Han Dynasty. “The State of Chu was established by the High Emperor. In the first year of Emperor Xuandi’s land festival, it was Pengcheng County, and the first year of Huanglong’s land festival was resumed.” The “Book of Han · Biography of the King of Chu and Yuan” also recorded that “Liu Jiao, the king of Chu and Yuan, was the brother of the High Emperor. In the sixth year of the Han Dynasty, the overpass was the king of Chu, Wang Xue County, Donghai County, and Pengcheng County.”
This is the official seal of the Kingdom in the Western Han Dynasty

图片[1]-Bronze nose button “Chu Yongcang Cheng” seal-China Archive
图片[2]-Bronze nose button “Chu Yongcang Cheng” seal-China Archive“楚永苍丞”铜印印面图片[3]-Bronze nose button “Chu Yongcang Cheng” seal-China Archive“楚永苍丞”铜印钤本

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