Turtle and fish pattern square plate

[Turtle and fish pattern square plate]

Turtle and fish pattern square plate, 22.5cm in height, 73.2cm in length, 45.2cm in width, and 23.5kg in weight
The plate is made into a cuboid, with the mouth edge turned outward, shallow belly, flat bottom, four animal heads and rings, and four animal-shaped feet cast at the bottom. The mouth edge is decorated with a dragon dragon pattern, the inner bottom is decorated with a turtle and fish swimming pattern, the inner wall is decorated with a curved band pattern, and the outer wall is decorated with a cloud pattern and a relief monster
The turtle fish pattern square plate was originally an old collection of the Qing Dynasty Palace. It is huge in size and exquisite in casting. It is known for its magnificent patterns and shapes. Its exquisite and magnificent turtle fish pattern on the plate complements the four-dimensional animal shape feet that are ready to go. It is a rare masterpiece in the Warring States bronze plate

图片[1]-Turtle and fish pattern square plate-China Archive
图片[2]-Turtle and fish pattern square plate-China Archive龟鱼纹方盘兽足图片[3]-Turtle and fish pattern square plate-China Archive龟鱼纹方盘外壁浮雕图片[4]-Turtle and fish pattern square plate-China Archive龟鱼纹方盘外壁浮雕怪兽图片[5]-Turtle and fish pattern square plate-China Archive龟鱼纹方盘内底龟鱼戏水图案图片[6]-Turtle and fish pattern square plate-China Archive龟鱼纹方盘外壁浮雕

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