Bi Doctor Tiger Talisman

[Doctor Bi Hu Fu]

Doctor Bi Hu Fu, the Warring States Period, is 8 cm long and 3.6 cm high
Used by the State of Qi during the Warring States Period. The tiger talisman should be in two halves and be combined into a crouching tiger shape. The existing right half. The tail is in the shape of a tiger. There is a hole on the tail. There are two lines of 11 characters on the front and two concave sockets on the back. The inscription is read from left to right, and the interpretation is: “Fill (camp) the mound tooth (and) the lou hole is the letter festival of the doctor”. “Filling hills”, that is, Yingqiu, refers to Linju, the capital of Qi. “Loulou”, a place name, may be located in Jiaoxian County, Shandong Province. “Pi Doctor” is the official name. “Faith Festival” refers to the keepsake for sending soldiers. The inscription reads “issued by the capital of the State of Qi, Yingqiu, to Louyi as a letter festival for the doctor”. The two halves of the tiger talisman are in the imperial court and in the local area. When sending out the troops, the envoy of the court carried the talisman to the place, and the two halves matched correctly, so that the place could obey the order. It is said that this device was unearthed in Jiaoxian County, Shandong Province, and handed over to Tao Zuguang and Luo Zhenyu for collection. In 1957, it was collected in the Palace Museum

图片[1]-Bi Doctor Tiger Talisman-China Archive

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