White pottery with geometric patterns

[White pottery with geometric patterns]

White pottery with geometric patterns, Shang, height 20 cm, caliber 18.6 cm, foot diameter 15 cm
The ampoule (b ৃ Yin Bu) curls out of the mouth and lips, shoulders off, belly bulges, lower abdomen gradually closes, and the feet are curled out and circled. The full-body carved patterns, with fine echo patterns as a ground foil for geometric patterns, are clear in priority, well-arranged, and appear particularly solemn and exquisite
White pottery appeared as early as the late Neolithic Age. In the Shang Dynasty, due to the increase of firing temperature, the raw materials were washed more finely, resulting in a more white and delicate white pottery. In the early Shang Dynasty, white pottery was in the form of (gu ī Yin Gui), He (h é Yin He) and Jue are mainly decorated with herringbone patterns, patted rope patterns and additional pile patterns. In the middle of the Shang Dynasty, beans, pots, bowls, etc. were added to the utensils. Except for a few rope patterns, the decoration was mostly plain polished. The late Shang Dynasty was the heyday of white pottery firing. A lot of white pottery was found in the late Shang ruins and tombs in the Yellow River basin. Among them, the white pottery unearthed in the Yin Ruins of Yin Xu in Anyang, Henan Province, is the most distinctive. The artifacts include zhi (Zhi ì sound system), hu, zun, you (y ǒ U Yinyou) and other wine vessels and tripods, beans, plates and Gui (gu ǐ Sound track). The patterns often include cloud and thunder patterns, vortex patterns, and taotie (t ā O ti è, cicada, zigzag, ku í, etc. In particular, the exquisite carving as the main decorative technique of white pottery shows the high level of development of white pottery in the late Shang Dynasty
It is also a common method of decoration on bronzes to set off geometric patterns with echo patterns, so as to show the layering of patterns, which makes it gorgeous and cumbersome. What’s more, the layering of patterns can reach more than three layers.
图片[1]-White pottery with geometric patterns-China Archive
图片[2]-White pottery with geometric patterns-China Archive白陶刻几何纹瓿底部

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