Majiayao culture colored pottery frog pot

[Majiayao Culture Painted Pottery Frog Pattern Pot]

Painted Pottery Frog Pattern Pot is a Neolithic type of Majiayao Culture Horse Factory, with a height of 42 cm and a diameter of 13.1 cm
Pot clay red pottery, extravagant outside the mouth, thin lips, spherical abdomen, small flat bottom, and symmetrical double systems on both sides of the abdomen. The deformed frog pattern is painted in black on the orange-red pottery clothes. The pattern lines are smooth, full of changes, and consistent with the shape. According to scientific tests, the age of painted pottery of Majiayao culture horse factory type is about 2200~2000 BC
As one of the common decorative patterns on painted pottery of Majiayao culture, the deformed frog pattern reflects the desire of ancient people for reproduction. The frog lays many eggs and hatches many tadpoles, which is the symbol of prosperous reproduction.
图片[1]-Majiayao culture colored pottery frog pot-China Archive
图片[2]-Majiayao culture colored pottery frog pot-China Archive彩陶蛙纹壶底部

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