Dawenkou Culture White Pottery Double Series Pot

[Dawenkou Culture White Pottery Double Series Pot]

White Pottery Double Series Pot, Neolithic Dawenkou Culture, height 19 cm, caliber 8.8 cm, bottom diameter 6 cm
The mouth of the pot is slightly curled, with round shoulders, adduction below the abdomen, and flat bottom. The tyre is thin. This utensil has a special shape. It is mainly pressed into a flat shape on the shoulder and abdomen sides. There are two round ties on the middle side of the abdomen, and there is a small breast nail in the middle of the two round ties. According to scientific tests, the age of Dawenkou culture is about 4000 to 2200 BC
White pottery appeared in the late Neolithic Age, about 5000 years ago. The raw material used is pottery clay with high purity. After forming, it is baked in the kiln at about 1000 ℃.
图片[1]-Dawenkou Culture White Pottery Double Series Pot-China Archive
图片[2]-Dawenkou Culture White Pottery Double Series Pot-China Archive白陶双系壶底部

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