Jade Tooth Zhang

[Jade Yazhang]

Jade Yazhang is a stone hill culture of Shaanxi in the Neolithic Age, with a length of 27.4 cm, a maximum width of 5.7 cm and a maximum thickness of 0.7 cm
The jade has been polished to a dark brown color, and the whole body is light and plain. The head edge is arced and sharp. Grind the concave near the edge. There is a small tooth on both sides of the handle, a hole at the end of the handle, and a single-sided drill
Yazhang appeared in the late Neolithic period in the Longshan culture period. It may have originated from the production tools, and gradually evolved into a symbol of ceremonial weapons. The Book of Rites of the Zhou Dynasty, Classic Rui, said: “Ya Zhang started the army to govern the army.”

图片[1]-Jade Tooth Zhang-China Archive

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