Longshan Culture Black Pottery Double Series Pot

[Longshan Culture Black Pottery Double Series Pot]

Black Pottery Double Series Pot, Neolithic Longshan Culture, 11.5 cm high, 6.5 cm caliber, 8.2 cm foot diameter
The mouth of the pot is slightly outward, and the two sides of the mouth are set with double systems. The neck is long, the lower part is gradually widened, and the shoulders are convex, the abdomen is flat, and the feet are circled. There are eight small holes on the foot. The bottom is convex. The shape is regular, the tire is thin and light, the surface is polished, and the luster can be recognized. According to scientific tests, the age of Longshan culture is about 2400 – 2000 BC
Longshan culture is a kind of culture in the late Neolithic Age in China, which was named after its first discovery in Longshan Town, Zhangqiu, Shandong Province, in 1928. Longshan culture pottery has the largest number of sandy black pottery and muddy black gray pottery. Although the pottery is still made by hand, the use of quick-wheel casting is very common. Therefore, the shape of the pottery is relatively regular, and the carcass is significantly thinner
Black pottery is fired in the same way as gray pottery in strong reducing atmosphere. The reason why it appears black is that the kiln is shut down at the later stage of burning, and water is poured on the kiln top hole. The carbon in the fuel and steam combine to penetrate into the matrix to form black. The black pottery of Longshan culture in Shandong Province is the most exquisite. Among them, a kind of plain polished black pottery is the most distinctive. Its carcass is thin and uniform, and its color is black and bright. Some are as thin as eggshells, so it has the reputation of “eggshell black pottery”.
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