Gold overlay button inlaid with seed pearls, Qing dynasty, 18th-19th c., work of the Muslim regions

Gold overlay button inlaid with seed pearls, Qing dynasty, 18th-19th c., work of the Muslim regions

  • Image Number: K1D004798N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Miscellaneous objects
  • Function: Dress accessories
  • Material: Minerals/Metals/
  • Description:
    The gold wrapped button is slightly tapered, with a ring at one end. Its surface is decorated with fine caviar cloud patterns and embedded with pearls. The pearls are roughly equidistant arranged on the button surface, and there are rubies embedded near the tapered tip. The golden and resplendent color not only sets off the soft pearl white, but also the ruby is eye-catching.

Gold overlay button inlaid with seed pearls,Qing dynasty,18th-19th c., Work of the Muslim regions

  • Image Number:K1D004798N000000000PAB
  • Dynamy:Qing dynamics
  • Category:Miscellaneous objects
  • Function:Costume accessories
  • Material:Mineral/metal/
  • Description:
    Gold coated button, slightly tapered, with a ring at one end, Its surface is decorated with fine roe cloud patterns and embedded with pearls. The pearls are roughly equidistant on the button surface, and there are rubies embedded near the conical tip. The golden splendor not only sets off the soft pearl white, but also the ruby is eye-catching

清 包金嵌珠寶錐式鈕子 (原名:包金鑲米珠回鈕)

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