Brush holder with imitation of bamboo carving in yellow glaze, Qing dynasty, Jiaqing reign, 1796-1820

Brush holder with imitation of bamboo carving in yellow glaze, Qing dynasty, Jiaqing reign, 1796-1820

  • Image Number: K1B011039N000000000PAC
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Stationery and stationery
  • Material: Minerals/Ceramics/
  • Description:
    The shape of this brush barrel imitates a section of bamboo knots. In order to be realistic, a circle of comb dots are drawn along the mouth to show the pores in the cross section of bamboo. The bottom foot is dug in to form the natural shape of the cross section of the bamboo knot. The outer wall is decorated with concave and convex landscape figures and houses. After applying purple, gold and yellow glaze, it looks like a bamboo pen container from a distance. The yellow glaze color of the inner wall and the outer bottom of the utensil is slightly lighter, forming a contrast with the outer wall. The fetal bone is slightly thicker. The intensity of the inner and outer glaze color is matched with the carving patterns on the outer wall to form a strong stereo visual contrast, which makes this stationery more vibrant. The center of the outer bottom of the pen barrel is engraved with the seal character of “made in Jiaqing of the Qing Dynasty”.

清 嘉慶 黃釉仿雕竹山水筆筒
图片[2]-Brush holder with imitation of bamboo carving in yellow glaze, Qing dynasty, Jiaqing reign, 1796-1820-China Archive
图片[3]-Brush holder with imitation of bamboo carving in yellow glaze, Qing dynasty, Jiaqing reign, 1796-1820-China Archive
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