Gilt bowl with engraved floral motifs, presented in 1895 to the Qing court by the Pakepala Hutuktu Chamdo, Qing dynasty, 19th c., Tibetan work

Gilt bowl with engraved floral motifs, presented in 1895 to the Qing court by the Pakepala Hutuktu Chamdo, Qing dynasty, 19th c., Tibetan work

  • Image Number: K1D001869N000000000PAD
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Miscellaneous objects
  • Function: Container
  • Material: Mineral/metal/plated metal
  • Description:
    Skim a bowl with a deep stomach, and lap your feet to waste. The outer wall is decorated with four rhombic flowers, which are carved into clusters of flowers and trees. The scenery is simple and clumsy, and the lines are strong and sharp: two clusters of grass and flowers are arranged, which is interesting for painting cattails or orchids in the Central Plains; The two trees are respectively covered with plum blossom and peach fruit. Their layout and auspicious implication should have a deep relationship with the Central Plains culture. Jamudo Pakbara Monastery, located in Changdu, Xikang, is an important transportation town between Sichuan and Tibet. It is a big Yellow Sect temple with 2500 disciples; His living Buddha directly governed the Qing government, and had the right and obligation to pay tribute. The person who contributed to this bowl was the tenth Hutuk Turobu Tibetan Tudan Mipan Chu called Jianshen.

清 鍍金刻花碗-清光緒二十一年察木多帕克巴拉呼圖克圖呈進
图片[2]-Gilt bowl with engraved floral motifs, presented in 1895 to the Qing court by the Pakepala Hutuktu Chamdo, Qing dynasty, 19th c., Tibetan work-China Archive
图片[3]-Gilt bowl with engraved floral motifs, presented in 1895 to the Qing court by the Pakepala Hutuktu Chamdo, Qing dynasty, 19th c., Tibetan work-China Archive
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