Gold overlay aigrette with pearl and gem inlay, Qing dynasty, early 19th c., Work of the Muslim regions or the Mughal Empire

Gold overlay aigrette with pearl and gem inlay, Qing dynasty, early 19th c., Work of the Muslim regions or the Mughal Empire

  • Image Number: K1D004778N000000000PAD
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Miscellaneous objects
  • Function: Dress accessories
  • Material: Minerals/Metals/
  • Description:
    The gold covered beaded stone hat flower takes a long rod shaped metal as the main body, and its upper part is embedded with nearly trapezoidal sheet decorations and metal branches and leaves, just like the slender branches and leaves luxuriously growing in a trapezoidal flowerpot, and the top of the rod shaped metal is decorated with ruby, just like a unique flower in the foliage. The workmanship is meticulous, like the design between life and symbol, which is more ingenious.

清 包金嵌珠石花
图片[2]-Gold overlay aigrette with pearl and gem inlay, Qing dynasty, early 19th c., Work of the Muslim regions or the Mughal Empire-China Archive
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